Email Notifications

Turning off email is quick and easy. Please make sure you are logged in and then modify your email settings here.

New follower messages

By default Twitter will send you a message every time someone follows you. Please note that we don't send these messages, they come directly from Twitter. To turn them off please log into Twitter and turn them off under your profile settings.

Account Status

We'll send you notifications about your account status (approvals, rejections, etc.)


We'll send you periodic updates about twiends and your account (tips, suggestions, new features, etc.)


We'll send you reminders and updates when you've been away for a while (low exposure notifications, etc.)

Twiends™ uses the Twitter™ API, displays it's logo & trademarks, and is not endorsed or certified by them. These items remain the property of Twitter. We do not sell followers, we only provide display advertising. Bots & fake accounts are not permitted on twiends. © 2009
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We help other people find and follow you on Twitter.
Key Info:
Started in 2009
Over 7 million signups
We never auto tweet to your timeline
We never auto follow others
We actively moderate our community
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