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How to Create a Twitter Bio That Makes People Want to Follow

Before you read any further, I have a quick task for you.

Go check your Twitter bio. Take a good look. What does it say? Does it paint a good picture of who you are or what your business does? Is it interesting?

Do you think it makes people want to follow you?

Boring Bio

Chances are, you wrote your bio quickly and without much thought. Most users don’t realize just how much potential your Twitter bio has for growing your following.

But think about it. What is the first thing you look at when you come across a new Twitter account? I’d be willing to bet you it’s the bio. And that short little intro section can be the make it or break it for whether or not you follow that account.

It’s exactly the same for other users, too. They’re looking at you or your brand’s Twitter bio and deciding based on that alone if they’re going to stick around.

And when you’re trying to grow your Twitter followers, your bio really matters.

Uber Facts

With that being said, it’s time to revisit your bio with intention. Be purposeful with what you put in it. Intrigue and entice your audience.

Plus, since our goal here at Twiends is to help you grow your audience on Twitter every step of the way, we’ve put together a complete guide to creating a Twitter bio that makes people want to follow you.

1. Introduce Yourself

First things first, you need to introduce yourself. Plain and simple. Share exactly who you are and what you do.

Between 9% and 15% of Twitter users are fake, and you don’t want potential followers (and clients/customers) to think that you’re one of them by not creating a bio, or by creating a bio that doesn’t clearly state who you or your business is.

Although this is the first step, it’s not the only step. You can’t leave your Twitter bio at “I’m a writer,” or “We repair washing machines.” No one is going to follow you if that’s all that your bio says. That’s too boring.

Instead, you need to introduce yourself in an engaging way. You have 160 characters to spell out your entire bio, and I recommend you take advantage of as many of them as possible.

Let’s go over a few examples.



Buffer is a social media scheduling, analytics, and customer service tool. They encompass all of that with a simple introduction about brand-building and how they can help businesses.

This introduction intrigues potential customers and offers insight into how they could benefit from following (and subsequently using) Buffer.

Palmetto Moon

Palmetto Moon

As a small southern US brand, Palmetto Moon has to provide a good introduction into who they are and what they sell. This Twitter bio does a great job of explaining their business to newcomers and even includes a couple of relevant hashtags.



Redbubble is an online retail site that sells products with artist designs on them. Hence their introduction, “Uncommon designs by independent artists everywhere.”

Their bio even includes contact information for learning more about the company and the process.

2. Incorporate Keywords

When you introduce yourself, you don’t want to be cryptic about it. Instead, you want to be straightforward, throwing some high-traffic search terms in there.

Twitter profiles appear in Twitter search results, so it’s a good idea to work popular keywords from your industry into your introduction.

For example, if you work in social media or digital marketing, say so directly in your bio. If your company is a personal finance app, include those specific key terms. And so on.

Put together a list of popular keywords in your industry and see which ones you can naturally fit into your bio. You don’t want your Twitter bio to be keyword stuffed, like “Digital Marketing. Social Media. Facebook Advertising. Pinterest Marketing.”

Instead, you want to incorporate keywords in a way that flows well and still explains who you are and what you do. That’s how you encourage users to follow you.

Let us give you a tip, though. Just because you want to incorporate a few keywords into your bio doesn’t mean you want to go crazy with hashtags. Just 1-2 hashtags have a place in your Twitter bio. Any more and you could start to seem like a bot or fake account.

Here are a few great examples of Twitter bios that have seamlessly placed popular keywords into their Twitter bios.



Planoly helps businesses to visually plan out their Instagram feed, so they’ve incorporated the keyword “Instagram management platform” into their Twitter bio.

It explains exactly what they do, and also includes a term that people might be searching for. Plus, it doesn’t just look thrown into the bio. It’s been perfectly placed into the first sentence.



EveryDollar incorporates the keyword “budget app” into their bio, but also throws “money” in there so that they can also appear in search results for “money app.”

Come up with creative ways to incorporate your own keywords into your Twitter bio.

3. Be Funny

Twitter is the best platform for your brand’s personality to shine. The brands that see the most success on Twitter allow themselves the freedom to be funny on the platform, with some even being downright snarky.

Although not every brand should be giving its customers a good roasting (think Wendy’s), there are still plenty of ways that your brand can incorporate humor into your Twitter presence.

And your bio is one of them.

Especially if you’re going to use that same humorous brand voice in your content, your bio is the perfect place to give profile visitors a taste of what they can expect.

Let’s dive into a few examples of humorous Twitter bios to drum up a bit of inspiration for your own.

Klipsch Audio

Klipsch Audio

Klipsch Audio is a speaker company, which they’ve indicated in the hashtags at the end of their bio. But they’ve taken advantage of the first part to share their humorous tagline about pissing off neighbors with their products.

Can you create a quip about how your product is used to include in your bio?



MoonPie is one of my personal favorite brands on Twitter. Their entire presence is amazing, and of course they’ve also incorporated that voice into their bio.

If humor fits well with your brand voice and vision, take a page out of MoonPie’s book. They use a lot of popular Twitter memes and other internet humor to promote their product.



Pop-Tarts is another great brand example that incorporates humor into their online presence. Their strategy includes exaggeration as well as creating fake Pop-Tart flavors (ranch dressing Pop-Tarts, anyone?).

4. Tag Other Accounts

Use your Twitter bio to lead users who visit your profile to other Twitter accounts as well. Although the goal here is for someone to land on your Twitter profile and follow you, there are many reasons you might want to include other Twitter accounts in your bio.

And if you do everything right, it’s possible to have someone follow you, click to accounts you tag, and follow them too.

Other accounts you include in your Twitter bio could range from your employer to your business or your customer service specific channels to your sister companies.

Here are a few examples of Twitter users that tag other users in their bios.



Vans is a shoe and clothing company, and they’ve linked to several underlying Twitter accounts. While @VANS_66 is the official account, they also have created profiles for their skating team, surfing team, BMX team, showboarding team and girls’ line.

Their official account has over 1 million followers, so including their other handles in their bio allows them to get even more exposure.



Hootsuite is another social media management tool. They’ve included their customer service Twitter’s handle in their bio so that users can easily find it.

Twitter can be the perfect channel for 24/7 customer service, so creating a Twitter account specifically for handling service issues, especially for a SaaS company, can be a great idea.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk

Another way to include other accounts in your Twitter bio is by including your job position or businesses that you have yourself founded to help promote them.

If someone is intrigued by your bio enough, they’re likely to also want to check out the companies you work for or have created. Plus, you want to make it as easy as possible for people to find your business’s Twitter account.

5. Add Social Proof

What is social proof? Essentially, social proof means a testimonial, award or other recognition that proves that other people love your business.

Word of mouth is powerful, and if people visiting your profile or your business’s profile sees that you’ve received accolades for your work, they’re much more likely to stick around.

While you don’t likely have enough space to include an entire testimonial, there are many other ways to incorporate social proof into your Twitter bio.

Look at these examples to see how you might be able to add social proof to your own bio.



Have you been listed on a major roundup by a big name in the industry? Follow in Kixify’s footsteps and include that information within your Twitter bio.

This sneaker marketplace app was ranked in a top 50 list by Apple themselves. That’s a huge accolade, and it gives them even more authority by placing it in their bio.

Seattle Children’s

Seattle Children’s

Here is another example of including your ranking in a major list or report. When Seattle Children’s includes information about them being ranked in the top 10 children’s hospitals in the nation, they’re increasing the chances that patients and families will travel to use their center.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a well-known entrepreneur in the digital marketing space, so it’s no surprise that he has a lot of social proof in his own Twitter bio.

Including that he’s a NYT bestselling author and on two top lists by reputable sources is a great way to enforce his authority in his industry.

6. Brag About Yourself

Don’t have any top 10 lists to include? That’s okay. You know that you and/or your business is awesome. So just do a little bit of bragging on yourself.

This tactic can help to entice people to try your product/service for themselves, and can definitely elicit a follow.

Talk about how awesome you are, your business is, your product/service is and more. Let’s dive into a few great examples of humblebrags in other Twitter bios.

Brooklyn Bedding

Brooklyn Bedding

“Master craftsmanship. We own your sleep solution, because we own the factory.” Talk about tooting one’s own horn.

How can you make your company sound like the best in its industry without trying to tout false rankings and recognitions? Using verbiage like Brooklyn Bedding is a great place to start.



Chick-fil-A’s Twitter bio is another great example of a grab. Obviously the fast food chain didn’t invent the chicken sandwich, but that’s a pretty hefty claim.

How can you incorporate this type of bragging and exaggeration into your own Twitter bio?

7. Include a Call-to-Action

Especially in a business’s Twitter bio, you want to include a next step for your new followers to take. Whether it’s signing up for your service, visiting your website, or following another account, always include some sort of call-to-action.

This helps you to guide new followers into a funnel of your company, rather than them just coming to your profile, reading your bio, following and then leaving.

Adding a call-to-action directly within your bio helps to offer an easy transition towards becoming a customer, and not only a follower.

Here are a couple of great examples of calls-to-action being used in Twitter bios.

Sprout Social

sprout social

By including a link to a 30-day trial, they’re increasing the chances that profile visitors click on it and sign up. One great way to incorporate a call-to-action is by offering a discount or other incentive for doing something.



The Instagram marketing platform Later has created their own conference for marketers called #LaterCon. Their call-to-action is for profile visitors to get their ticket to the conference.

Not only does this increase revenue for the company, but it also helps them to make a name in the industry. Creating your own conference definitely places you as an authority, and Later is using their Twitter bio to help them promote their conference.



Since Etsy is a marketplace for handmade goods sellers, the platform benefits by promoting its users’ shops.

This is why they’ve created a roundup of top Etsy shops and include a link to it in their Twitter bio. They’re immediately offering new Twitter followers a way to jump right in and start shopping.

8. Take Up Space

I mentioned at the beginning of this article that you have 160 characters to write your Twitter bio with. And you want to use as many of those as you can in order to tell the full story.

You don’t want to limit your Twitter bio to just a single sentence or phrase. Instead, look at each of the examples we’ve included in this article.

Pay attention to how they use up as much space as they can to include an introduction, a tagged account or two, a call-to-action and a bit of bragging about themselves or their business. That’s the exact formula you want to follow.

The perfect Twitter bio is comprised of multiple elements in this list. You need your introduction that incorporates a few popular keywords. You want to add social proof or a quick humblebrag. Use humor if it fits your brand voice. Add a call-to-action at the end to sign off.

Your Turn

Ready to create your own Twitter bio? Use each of these tips to help put together a bio that engages your audience and entices new users to follow you.

And if you’re looking for even more help in growing your Twitter following, enlist the help of Twiends.

Twiends™ uses the Twitter™ API, displays it's logo & trademarks, and is not endorsed or certified by them. These items remain the property of Twitter. We do not sell followers, we only provide display advertising. Bots & fake accounts are not permitted on twiends. © 2009
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