Want to grow your twitter followers responsibly?
Trusted by 50,000 monthly users • since 2009
We don't do Instagram followers. These are not our peers or competitors, and I've got nothing to gain by talking these guys up or down.
We worked with Instagram for 5 years providing a real growth service, and we've been running the biggest networking website for twitter for over a decade. So I feel I'm well equipped to review this space for you..
I'm not endorsing or recommending any of the Instagram follower sites listed below.
As they say, if someone is offering you a free product, then you ARE the product! Most Instagram free follower sites operate a bit like money laundering operations. Let's take a look at three of the biggest services in this space:
Here's how they work:
Step 1: You follow around 10 real accounts on Instagram
Step 2: Those follows are 'sold' to other Instagram users
Step 3: They follow you with 25 to 50 fake accounts
Step 4: If you unfollow the 10 accounts then they remove your bot followers
Later: Instagram removes the fake followers from your account.
This way they can sell your follow as a real user to someone else, while delivering free (fake) followers to your Instagram account. Of course, all the fake profiles are eventually removed by Instagram, so you'll lose those free accounts anyway.
But don't take our word for it, go read some of the hundreds of reviews that have been made about these follower apps.
Please reconsider if you are planning on using a free follower app. You may feel you need Instagram followers quickly, but you'll be disappointed with the results. As simple as these free follower apps are, they will not give your Instagram the daily follower gains they promise. Your follower numbers may go up at first but they will drop again quickly.
As you can see from above, you can actually buy real Instagram followers this way. But remember that these people are being tricked into following you.
These are real people, and you will be getting real organic follows from these Instagram users, but they are being 'forced' to follow you in order to get their 25 to 50 free followers. Many of these users unfollow when they realize they have received fake followers rather than real Instagram accounts. This will hit your follower count badly.
Most of the followers you buy will not be real, they will be bots. Many of the services claiming to sell real targeted followers are selling fakes. You can verify this by reading the reviews from people who have purchased followers.
You may find that you get real accounts following you in your first purchase, and you may even get a real engagement boost from these followers. But this is because many of these people are being forced into viewing and liking posts. We've analyzed hundreds of reviews and it appears that followers tend to be fake on repeat purchases.
Here are a few other things you should know before buying Instagram followers:
It's really hard to pinpoint what percentage of followers are authentic from these services. I would estimate the number to be below 10%, but I suspect this changes based on how many real people they can trick into the free follower system. Please don't be fooled by claims that the followers you will receive are high quality. They are not...
You will see many websites offering to get you free Instagram followers without surveys, or they may say 'no survey', or 'no human verification'. This goes back a few years to a whole bunch of scams that tried to trick people into filling in company surveys.
They'd promise to add free Instagram or Twitter followers if you did. Unfortunately many people spent hours filling in surveys only to find out that they'd been scammed. So now as a way to differentiate, many websites will say upfront that you don't need to fill in surveys.
If you want to reach real people you'll need to either do free organic outreach or paid promotion.
Here are a few things to look out for:
For many years we used to offer the same service for both twitter and Instagram. For those not familiar with twiends, we provide a networking community for twitter. It's one of the few ways to attract new followers without paying for promotion. We also offer featured promotion which is a bit more like banner advertising.
Unfortunately, a little while back Instagram decided that they did not want other apps to provide networking services. If you want to connect with and follow other people on Instagram then you have to do it directly on Instagram now. 3rd party apps can't provide these types of services.
This is why any website saying they can grow your Instagram account is usually doing something dodgy. If it were possible to provide a legitimate growth service of Instagram then we would do it.