Al Rojo Vivo 933,638 Mario Ferreiro 472,689 AmericaEconomia 148,261 UNASUR 102,364 LatAm Herald Tribune 57,533 Huey Dunbar 27,436 Suzanne Gamboa 14,431 Gustavo Caballero 10,558 Sandra Lilley 8,778 noesfm 7,697 Barry Rutherford 6,681 Hector De Césare 4,422 Ronny Jessier 1,803 Luis Carlos Battista 1,312 Principito 1,131 Scott Tuttle 1,111 Benjamin 🇪🇨 1,097 Ulysses Loudon 694 Revista Suroeste 599 FundaHigado America 493
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