autism speaks 253,026 autismsociety 122,489 National Autism Association 79,771 Thinking Person's Guide To Autism 54,114 AmbitiousAboutAutism 52,111 Autism 52,031 MyAutismTeam 50,645 Autism Talk 40,082 Age of Autism 36,188 Karen Simmons 33,631 Autism Bulletin 32,652 Autism Eye 21,730 Autism Today 18,752 Marcus Swanepoel 18,325 American Autism Association 15,752 Autism Resource Ctrl 12,471 Dyan - Hyperlexia Advocate 9,954 The Autism Channel 8,124 Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) 6,382 Uved Muazzam 🇮🇳 5,746
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